The new moon is the perfect time to take stock of what has been happening in our lives and what we wish to bring in. We will open the event with the sharing of everyone’s intentions for the new moon and coming month. Klára will then lead the sound healing meditation, using crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, steel tongue drum, shamanic drum, wind chimes, rain maker, rattles, as well as her voice, while you lie down to absorb the healing vibrations. We will end with sharing of our experiences during the meditation.
Benefits of doing Sound Healing:
– Releasing trauma from the body and re-tuning the organs and chakras through
sound vibrations
– Bringing peace, relaxation and well-being to the body, mind and energy field
– Feeling more supported and guided in daily life
About Klára Abdi de Luz:
Klára is a shamanic sound and energy healer that has been practicing this work for more than six years. She was led to these practices as part of her own journey of healing personal and ancestral trauma. Building on her music background, she intuitively learned to play singing bowls, steel tongue drums, shamanic drum and other instruments and lead meditations.
For more information about Klára you can visit her website as well as her YouTube channel
What to bring?
Bring a yoga mat, blanket, pillow and anything else to make you feel comfortable during the healing. Bring a journal if you wish to write your intentions at the start and reflections at the end.
Sound Healing (this event) and Art Therapy sessions are now available at a special reduced price.